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8 min read

What to look for in a good AI speech translator

By Patricia Magaz on April 29, 2024

Want to understand what makes one speech translation solution better than another? Consider the words ‘except’ and ‘accept.’ Though only a couple of letters apart, their meanings are entirely different. ‘Accept’ means to receive or agree to something. ‘Except’ means to exclude something.

But what happens when a speaker sounds like they’re saying ‘except’ when they mean to say ‘accept?’ Here, a professional interpreter will use context clues, training, and experience to provide an accurate translation. This precision is key, as even the smallest translation changes can lead to miscommunication. 

With so many cost-effective AI tools on the market, you may be wondering if AI tools are precise enough to pick up on the differences between ‘except’ and ‘accept’ — even when the speaker is mumbling or has a strong accent. The answer is complex.

This article explores the current capabilities of AI. By the end, you should be able to make an informed decision on whether AI speech translation is right for your meetings and events. We also share the factors you should consider to find accurate and precise AI tools.

In a rush? Side-by-side interpreters and AI speech translation usage infographic at the bottom of this article.

Topics: AI accuracy AI speech translation
6 min read

Navigating the intricacies of AI translation and professional interpretation

By Oddmund Braaten on April 3, 2024

Don’t believe the hype - they are different solutions for different problems

Topics: AI Interprefy AI
5 min read

Interpreters vs AI - the key differences

By Patricia Magaz on July 11, 2023

With the rapid advancements in AI technology, real-time translation of meetings or event speeches is now possible through AI-powered speech translation solutions. This is a domain that was once exclusively occupied by simultaneous interpreters, leading to the question: what sets the two apart?

Topics: Interpreters AI Interprefy AI
5 min read

How accurate are AI-translated captions?

By Patricia Magaz on May 3, 2023

A fundamental change in media consumption behaviour coupled with quantum leaps in AI technology has made AI-translated captions a popular and powerful choice for live events of all shapes and sizes. 

Topics: AI MT captions
4 min read

Live machine translation: a new dawn for conference interpreters?

By Oddmund Braaten on September 28, 2022

This article was originally published on AIJourn.com

Topics: Captions AI Machine translation