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7 min read

Built to scale: adding simultaneous interpretation to on-site events

By Patricia Magaz on December 13, 2022

Adding language interpretation to on-site events has traditionally been a logistical challenge. It often involved finding interpreters and then organizing their travel, food, and accommodation — to say nothing of sourcing and setting up interpretation equipment.

Fortunately, since 2014, Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) technology has made interpretation faster, easier, and more cost-effective to organize than ever before. In this article, we’ll explore how RSI works for on-site events, the benefits of RSI, and what event planners should look for in an ideal RSI solution.

Topics: Event Management In-Person Events RSI PCO on-site interpretation
4 min read

The demand for sustainable events is heating up

By Oddmund Braaten on November 17, 2022

Unless you haven’t heard, there’s a pretty big sustainability conference taking place in Egypt this month, aiming to once again highlight the action (or lack of) on climate change over the past year.

Managers in the events industry will be keeping a keen eye on progressions, as the conference couldn’t come at a more perfect time. In-person events are back in full swing, but with plenty of appetite for sustainable events from attendees, many are looking for help in delivering eco-friendly events that go beyond simply hosting them online.

Topics: Sustainability Captions In-Person Events RSI
7 min read

“What if the Wi-Fi fails” and other remote interpreting myths debunked

By Patricia Magaz on October 26, 2022

Remember the times when suggesting working from home was seen as an absurdity? “There’s no way you can be productive at home”, and other worries long presented a barrier to what today is a driver for productivity. As with any innovation, similarly, the rise of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation has left many with a few basic questions and concerns.

Topics: Interpretation Technology In-Person Events Remote Interpreting
4 min read

Remote simultaneous interpretation: 3 on-site and hybrid scenarios

By Patricia Magaz on August 17, 2022

A hybrid event combines in-person and online elements. In other words, an in-person event that has speakers, attendees or interpreters connecting and participating remotely, is a hybrid event.

Topics: Hybrid Events In-Person Events RSI PCO
5 min read

Remote interpreting for on-site events: back to the future

By Markus Aregger on May 10, 2022

For nearly two years now event and meeting organisers worldwide have been trying out new and creative ways to take their gatherings online and embraced change and adaptation like never before.

Topics: Interpretation Technology Hybrid Events In-Person Events benefits PCO
1 min read

Interprefiers take the floor: February special edition

By Dora Murgu on February 25, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:




Available for download on:


In this special edition we take you to the Expo 2020, where we met with Amarou Farkouh, the interpreter who brought outer space to Interprefy, and project manager Danijel Dragutinovic who oversaw the project. 

Topics: Interpreters Hybrid Events In-Person Events Multilingual Meetings Podcast
5 min read

How remote interpreting can help reduce your event’s carbon footprint

By Patricia Magaz on February 23, 2022

Conferences and events are integral parts of doing business in today's world. Even with the rise of technologies that make virtual gatherings possible, we all feel a longing for a good, old-fashioned face-to-face get-together where we can connect with our peers, enjoy great content.

Topics: Sustainability Multilingual Web Conferencing In-Person Events PCO