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7 min read

From analogue to virtual - why it's time to upgrade the interpreter booth

By Markus Aregger on March 6, 2023

In today's globalized world, communication across different languages is more important than ever before. As businesses expand their operations to new markets, there is a growing need for interpreters to bridge language barriers and facilitate communication.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Event Management Remote Interpreting PCO
7 min read

Built to scale: adding simultaneous interpretation to on-site events

By Patricia Magaz on December 13, 2022

Adding language interpretation to on-site events has traditionally been a logistical challenge. It often involved finding interpreters and then organizing their travel, food, and accommodation — to say nothing of sourcing and setting up interpretation equipment.

Fortunately, since 2014, Remote Simultaneous Interpretation (RSI) technology has made interpretation faster, easier, and more cost-effective to organize than ever before. In this article, we’ll explore how RSI works for on-site events, the benefits of RSI, and what event planners should look for in an ideal RSI solution.

Topics: Event Management In-Person Events RSI PCO on-site interpretation
5 min read

Virtual Town Hall Meetings: 10 Easy Tips to Drive Inclusivity and Engagement

By Oddmund Braaten on June 27, 2022

Even though remote working has provided greater flexibility, it’s still almost impossible to gather all staff in one place at the same time.

Topics: Event Management Online Events Multilingual Web Conferencing
2 min read

Interprefiers take the floor: April special edition

By Dora Murgu on May 11, 2022

Interprefiers Take the Floor is now available on your preferred podcast directory.

Listen and download the podcast below:




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In this special edition, Spanish interpreter and Professor at the University of Buenos Aires, Marina Gaiteri, meets Remote Support team leader, Ana Brkan, in our latest episode of Interprefiers Take The Floor. We unpack the importance of language sensitivity and how to deal with event stress during multilingual conferences.


Topics: Event Management Event & Interpretation Support Conferences Project Management Multilingual Meetings Podcast
6 min read

Rethinking event success: How event performance metrics are changing for the better

By Patricia Magaz on April 1, 2022

Many consider Cleopatra to be the first recorded event planner in history. She knew the value of bringing people together for celebrations, announcements, and other occasions. Famously, she turned meeting Roman general Mark Antony into a fabulous event. Cleopatra entered the meeting floating down the Nile on the ancient equivalent of a luxury yacht — while dressed as the goddess Venus. Talk about making an entrance.

Cleopatra’s goal for meeting Mark Antony was clear: she wanted to form a close connection with him. The result of her event? Her dynasty got to live on for another day. From seasonal festivals to the modern New Year’s party, events have retained the same underlying goal: to build connections and bring people together for a shared experience.

While the goal of events hasn’t changed, the significant investment required to create modern business events means that there is more at stake. This is especially the case today, with a vast array of technological tools facilitating many parts of event management.

Hybrid and virtual events take this that much farther, as many (if not all) attendees experience the event through their devices. Along with being accessed via devices, online events can be joined from nearly anywhere on the globe. This presents businesses with the opportunity to reach audiences at scale. But is reaching the largest possible audience a sign of a successful event? Some businesses certainly benefit from hosting smaller events that lead to deeper connections and more meaningful networking experiences.

With so many changing factors and business models at play, let’s consider how event “success” has evolved to meet the contemporary business environment.

Topics: Event Management Online Events Webinars Virtual Events Multilingual Meetings
8 min read

What are the benefits of remote simultaneous interpretation?

By Patricia Magaz on January 21, 2022

Conference interpreting hasn't changed much since 1945 - but it has definitely undergone a seismic shift since 2020. With the majority of events being canceled or moved online because of social distancing, interpreters had to adapt quickly to not miss out on interpreting opportunities. Fortunately, Remote Simultaneous Interpretation technology already existed and those who adopted the technology could resume work successfully.

Topics: Remote Simultaneous Interpretation Event Management benefits PCO
6 min read

How to set up multilingual webinars on any meeting platform

By Markus Aregger on June 7, 2021

In just months, the global landscape has changed dramatically, with almost every sector having to pivot to digital technology. For now, in-person meetings, lectures, events and conferences are off-the-table (or restricted to fewer numbers), leaving companies to rely on virtual meeting and webinar platforms such as GoToWebinar, Microsoft Teams and Zoom to continue operations.

Topics: Event Management Online Events
5 min read

Effective tips & tactics to promote your online multilingual events

By Markus Aregger on May 3, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the events industry status quo. And for companies to survive and thrive in our ‘new normal’, they need to rise to the challenge of hosting smooth, engaging events in virtual environments.

Topics: Event Management Online Events