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7 min read

Is Interprefy AI the AI speech translation solution you need?

By Patricia Magaz on May 23, 2024

Interprefy AI is a cost-effective and scalable AI speech translation solution that offers real-time translations for businesses and organisations in multiple languages. Designed to deliver seamless, cost-effective, and fast-to-deploy live translation, it enhances the inclusivity and reach of events and meetings, making them accessible to a diverse, international audience.

In this article, we explore the benefits of using Interprefy AI for your events. Let’s start by unpacking the technology and approaches that make Interprefy AI such a leading language solution. 

Topics: Live Captions AI speech translation Interprefy AI Interprefy Now
9 min read

Understanding the accuracy of AI captions: A comprehensive guide

By Markus Aregger on April 13, 2023

Closed captions are an effective technique to improve accessibility, engagement, and information retention during presentations and live events. This, together with shifting video consumption habits in the realm of video streaming, has recently accelerated the adoption of AI-powered captioning in live events and business meetings.

But when it comes to choosing a provider for your own meeting or event, the question that is most frequently asked is: how accurate are automatic live captions?

The quick answer is that, under ideal conditions, automatic captions in spoken languages can achieve up to 98% accuracy as assessed by Word Error Rate (WER).

And yes, there's a long, slightly more complex answer. In this article, we want to give you an overview of how accuracy is measured, what factors impact accuracy, and how to take accuracy to new heights.

Topics: ASR captions Live Captions accuracy
7 min read

How accurate are captions in Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Interprefy?

By Markus Aregger on March 1, 2023

Zoom and Teams both have an appealing feature that allows meeting attendees to activate closed captioning. This tool provides users with valuable visual assistance for following the sessions by automatically creating a live transcription of what is being said.

Both Teams and Zoom use automated speech recognition algorithms to transcribe the speech in real-time. These are completely automated, with little to no preparation required from the meeting host.

Topics: Microsoft Teams Zoom Live Captions