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Introducing Interprefy Now app user on mobile

-New Interprefy Now product provides instant, AI-powered live translation for professional meetings using just your mobile phone-

14 MAY 2024, ZURICH: Say goodbye to clunky AV equipment for live translation, and make in-person business meetings of up to 30 people multilingual at the touch of a button on your mobile phone.

Language barriers in small to medium-sized professional meetings and gatherings have been broken down using a new feature released today by Interprefy, the multilingual meeting technology and services provider.

The new Interprefy Now product provides instant, AI-powered live translation (audio and text captions) for face-to-face professional meetings so that attendees can listen and speak in their preferred language.

Once companies subscribe, meeting attendees can jump into multilingual conversations using just a smartphone without any pre-meeting booking or technical setup of specialist equipment.


Oddmund Braaten, CEO at Interprefy, explains who will benefit from Interprefy Now, “If you've ever needed to communicate with people who speak a different language than yours in a professional situation, and don’t want to extend your meeting’s duration with consecutive interpretation or have equipment for simultaneous interpretation, then Interprefy Now is for you.”

Once users subscribe to Interperfy Now, they will gain access to the only small to medium-sized professional meeting interpretation solution that organisers and attendees can use on the go. With over 80% of people in the world unable to understand English, there's no need to default to English as the ’lingua franca' during multilingual meetings. By using Interprefy Now meeting participants get access to real-time translated audio and text captions at the touch of a button.

Existing solutions for small meetings are typically tied to specific meeting/ conference rooms through the use of specialist AV equipment. Consecutive interpretation software for use on the go is typically only suitable for two-way conversations, and not for multi-person professional meetings. This is why Interprefy Now is different.

Braaten continues, “We are deeply focused on our customers’ needs and lifting the weight from their shoulders. For large multi-lingual events, we have our flagship mobile app. This is ideal for large, pre-planned events or conferences with a high number of attendees. With Interprefy Now we are providing the capability for instant access to live translation for smaller, more personal meetings, through the mobile app and subscription plans.”

Meeting attendees can listen and speak in their preferred language through their mobiles, using the mobile microphone, earpiece or headset, with real-time captions also displayed on their mobile phone screens. Interprefy Now is ideal for international meetings, negotiations, training, sales pitches or guided tours.

Braaten concludes, “We have powered Interprefy Now with our next-generation event translating tool - Interprefy AI - so that our customers get the best AI translation quality available in the market. Our AI language translation products make multi-lingual language access available to a wider range of organisations and events that might have smaller budgets.”

You can find out more about Interprefy Now here.

Media contact:

Anthony Monks

ITPR interprefy@itpr.co.uk

+44 (0)207 183 8200

+44 (0)7842 386 809

Patricia Magaz

Written by Patricia Magaz

Learn about the latest developments at Interprefy by Patricia Magaz, Global Content Manager at Interprefy.