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what does an interpreter do?

Interpreters live exciting lives. No two days are the same. They are always on the go and they are their own masters with a lot of freedom – and how about their life-work balance. 

But while we’ve all seen interpreters on TV next to world leaders or business executives, most people have a couple of key questions when it comes to this role. What does an interpreter do? And what does a typical day look like? 

Take a look below at two typical days in the life of an interpreter – before and after RSI.

How do they compare? For both days there is a nice work-satisfaction, but life holds other aspects as well. 


what does an interpreter do?

Before RSI
  • 4:30 The alarm goes. Breakfast. Bag packed. 
  • 5:00 No taxi, no Uber – some misunderstanding. 
  • 5:20 Off – but late – traffic intense, in spite of early hours. The whole city seems to be going to the airport. 
  • 7:00 Airport, fast-track, slow security, take-off, 90 minutes flying time – final preparations for today’s meeting. 
  • 9:00 Uneventful transit from airport to conference center. In place at conference, hello to colleagues in other booths. 
  • 9:00-12.30 Busy conference, many presentations. Some have changed, since they were sent to the interpreters. 
  • 12:30-13:30 Lunch break in conference site. 
  • 14:00 Text from baby-sitter – suspicion of mumps (Concentration disturbed). 
  • 17:00 Conference finished. Off to airport, fast-track, security. 
  • 18:30 Flight cancelled. Waiting time. 
  • 20:30 New flight. 
  • 23.30 Home – no mumps – just a virus. 
  • 00:30 Relax and finally to bed. 


A day in the life of an interpreter

After RSI 
  • 7:00 Breakfast with family. 
  • 8:30 Getting ready for meeting, checking software and documents. Connecting with technicians and colleagues in other locations. 
  • 9:00 Meeting launched. Hiccups in technology. Problems solved within 20 seconds. 
  • 11:00 Meeting finished. Feedback from participants positive. 
  • 11:00-13:00 Preparation for next meeting. Administrative work, calendar, planning. 
  • 13:00 Getting ready for meeting, checking soft-ware and documents. Connecting with colleagues in other locations and technicians. 
  • 13:30 Meeting launched. 
  • 14:00 Text from old client: emergency meeting called for 21:00. Yes, I am available. 
  • 16:30 Meeting finished. 
  • 18:00 Homework with kids and dinner with family. 
  • 23:00 Good night. 




Kim Ludvigsen

Written by Kim Ludvigsen

Learn about the latest developments at Interprefy by Kim Ludvigsen, the founder and former CEO of Interprefy.