Company News | Interprefy

Interprefy's Video Campaign Helps Speakers Sound Their Best

Written by Patricia Magaz | December 15, 2021

Good sound quality is key for the success of any online meeting or event, even more so in the case of interpreted ones.

Several reports, including The State of Remote Simultaneous Interpretation in 2020-21, the Survey of Interpreters Experience with Virtual Sittings working for the Canadian Parliament, the report for Conference Interpreting after Covid-19, and the ESIT Research Project on Remote Simultaneous Interpreting highlight the impact of speaker sound quality for interpreters.

ESIT's research even points out that a staggering 93% of interpreters have had to deal with speakers using inadequate equipment at some point in their careers. 

That is why we are on a mission to educate and improve speakers' sound quality and have launched a housekeeping video campaign to help speakers sound their best at interpreted meetings and avoid impacting negatively on the interpreters' performance. 

The short clip, available in six languages, summarizes the do's and don'ts for speakers at interpreted meetings and can be downloaded and played before the start of meetings and events. In the video, an interpreter exemplifies the sound quality produced by different devices and encourages speakers to reflect on their communication style when they are being interpreted. By following the recommendations in the video, speakers can considerably improve the working conditions of interpreters and by extension, the meeting experience of all attendees.  

The video is another addition to a series of actions taken by Interprefy to educate speakers on the importance of sound quality in interpreted meetings.


To see the overview of all available housekeeping videos, click here.


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